Format conversion

The format conversion pages main function is to allow the user to create converison jobs that run automatically or manually on selected content in the archive.

Create conversion rule

To create a new rule click the Create-button over the appraisal rule list.

Enter a name for the new conversion rule, select interval for automatic jobs or select the Run manually option if the rule should be triggered manually and what files should be converted in the connected AIPs.

Frequency decides how often a rule should be executed and is specified with cron syntax. For example: 0 15 * * 3 means every wednesday at 15 o’ clock.

To add a Specification type for example **/*.docx in the Path field, pdf in the target field and Libreoffice in the Tool field, then click the +-button. This rule will convert all .docx-files to .pdf using libreoffice.

Connect rule to AIP

Enter the Access/Storage units page, mark one or more AIP(s), right click one of them and select Conversion and a list of the selected AIPs appears. Every row can be expanded to see connected conversion rules for the specific AIP. We also get a button for adding new rules to AIPs.

Conversion job lists

Under the list of conversion rules there are three more list views containing conversion jobs filtered by states Ongoing, Next and Finished. The Ongoing list shows jobs that are currently running, the Next list shows jobs that will be run automatically in execution order and the Finished list shows jobs that are finished.

In the Next list the converison job can be previewed by clicking the Preview button.

When a rule is connected to at least on AIP, jobs will be created and visible in the next list. The job will be executed at the given start time, except if the user wants to start the job before the given time. A job in the Next list can be started manually by clicking Preview and then Run. The job will then be moved to the Ongoing list and finally to the Finished list.

In the Finished a user can see the conversion report for the finished job by clicking report.