List view
The list view is the table of objects that is present in most views in ESSArch. The objects listed in this view are always relevant to the current view, and filtered depending on state and permissions. Provided are additional optional filter and sorting options.

The list view can be filtered by clicking the filter icon, which opens a menu with all available filters.

Some list views includes nested IPs which can be expanded to see the underlying IPs. What should appear in the first level can be administrated in the user settings.

The available functions of a view, like browsing files, jobs or events, and main functionality like IP preparation, creation and preservation, is accessed by clicking on a row in the IP list and selecting the corresponding tab. In many cases, a user can select multiple rows by holding the CTRL key and click each item or click the first item, hold the SHIFT key and click another to select all IPs between including the two selected. Selecting multiple items may reduce amount of actions that can be done, since any action taken will be done to all selected objects.